"mediaID","mediatypeID","Description","Notes","Last Modified Date" "415","documents","GIBSON William and HILLHOUSE Ann Marriage","Riccarton, Scotland - 1793","2024-01-25 07:49:26" "414","documents","GIBSON William and HILLHOUSE ANN Marriage","Kilmarnock, Scotland - 1793","2024-01-25 07:46:06" "414","documents","GIBSON William and HILLHOUSE ANN Marriage","Kilmarnock, Scotland - 1793","2024-01-25 07:46:06" "414","documents","GIBSON William and HILLHOUSE ANN Marriage","Kilmarnock, Scotland - 1793","2024-01-25 07:46:06" "412","documents","Letter to Editor - Let's not fuel division","Assume the best intent!!","2023-09-22 14:55:55" "411","documents","William Crites Will (1 of 2)","","2020-09-21 14:32:03" "409","documents","Margaret D. Reinhardt - Post 180","Margaret D. Reinhardt Obituary from Vienna American Legion Post 180 July-August 2020 Newsletter.","2020-07-03 10:13:58" "81","documents","Allyson Yuss and Matthew Olsen (2)","Program for their wedding. At the time both were officers in the United States Air Force.","2015-06-29 13:04:01" "96","documents","Bethany Reinhardt and David Rothermel (1)","Wedding program.","2015-06-29 13:01:09" "90","documents","Bethany Reinhardt and David Rothermel (3)","Wedding program.","2015-06-29 13:00:46" "88","documents","Bethany Reinhardt and David Rothermel (2)","Wedding program.","2015-06-29 12:59:26" "79","documents","Allyson Yuss and Matthew Olsen (1) ","Program for their wedding (1). At the time both were officers in the United States Air Force.","2015-06-29 12:57:40" "80","documents","Allyson Yuss and Matthew Olsen (4)","Program for their wedding (4). At the time both were officers in the United States Air Force.","2015-06-29 12:57:15" "86","documents","Allyson Yuss and Matthew Olsen (3)","Program for their wedding (3). At the time both were officers in the United States Air Force.","2015-06-29 12:56:50" "6","documents","George Washington Gibson","Civil War Pension Records","2015-06-29 11:43:54" "62","documents","Risness and Fagerli family sources.","Source documents for Rissnes (Rissnaes) and Fagerli family trees.","2012-02-17 06:04:20"