The Emil S. Reinhardt Family
Genealogy Pages
Matches 1 to 48 of 48
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Married June 12, 1912 at the Hazelwood Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh.( Hazelwood, Pa, Allegheny County). They began housekeeping at Masontown,PA prior to moving to Finleyville, PA where they resided for 41 years. | GADD, Harry Clayton (I044)
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From 1920 US Census
Leopold Mehalak
[Leopold Mihalak]
[Leopold Mehal??]
[Note: Correct name is Leopold Mihalak]
AGE: 31
BIRTH YEAR: abt 1889
[Galicia / Galizien / Halychyna]
HOME IN 1920: Carroll, Washington, Pennsylvania
STREET: Lawnside Road
RACE: White
SPOUSE'S NAME: Leonora Mehalak [Eleanor Belback Mihalak}
Leopold Mehalak 31
Leonora Mehalak 27
Cecilia Mehalak 2 1/2 [Selina]
Thelma Mehalak less than one year old | MEHALAK, Leopold (I869)
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From 1930 US Census
Leopold Wehalak [Mihalak is correct spelling of surname]
[Leopold Mehalak]
BIRTH YEAR: abt 1888
RACE: White
HOME IN 1930: Carroll, Washington, Pennsylvania
SPOUSE'S NAME: Elnor Wehalak [Eleanor]
Leopold Wehalak 42
Elnor Wehalak 37
Jelina Wehalak 13
Thelma Wehalak 11
Caroline Wehalak 9
Annie Wehalak 8
Dorthy Wehalak 6
Marcella Wehalak 3 [3 2/12]
Stella Wehalak 1 [1 1/12] | MEHALAK, Leopold (I869)
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From 1940 US Census
NAME: Leopold Mihalak
AGE: 51
RACE: White
HOME IN 1940: Carroll, Washington, Pennsylvania
MAP OF HOME IN 1940: View Map
INFERRED RESIDENCE IN 1935: Carroll, Washington, Pennsylvania
RESIDENCE IN 1935: Same Place
CITIZENSHIP: Naturalized
HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED: Elementary school, 6th grade
CLASS OF WORKER: Wage or salary worker in private work
Leopold Mihalak 51
Anna Mihalak 42 [correct name is Eleanor Mihalak]
Anna [Eleanor] Mihalak 42
Dorothy Mihalak 16
Marcella Mihalak 13
Stella Mihalak 11
| MEHALAK, Leopold (I869)
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16 June 2011 - email from Barry Reinhardt to Harry Reinhardt
I was just informed by Fred Yuss that John Yuss passed away last night.
Calling hours are Monday 1:00-4:00 and 6:00-8:30
Funeral Tuesday 10:00
Neely Funeral Home
2208 Mt. Royal Blvd.
Glenshaw, PA 15116
------------------------------------------------------------ | YUSS, John J. Jr. (I121)
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1940 US Census shows Anna Mihalak as single and living with her parents. | Family: Peter RUSIN, Sr / Anna Elizabeth MEHALAK (F35)
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Barry was inducted into the Charleroi High School Football Hall of Fame on 2 October 1999. | REINHARDT, Barry Lee (I084)
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Barry was inducted into the Charleroi High School Football Hall of Fame, Charleroi, PA on 2 October 1999. | REINHARDT, Barry Lee (I084)
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Birth Registration - Julienne Octavie ENGLEBERT
From "Archives de Belgique numérisées" (online), registres de l'État Civil, Province du Hainaut/Tournai, Taintignies, Actes, 1861-1882, p.423. (free access but you have to register if you want to see the records).
Child registered on January 17th, 1870 (dix-sept janvier mil huit cent soixante-dix).
Place of birth : rue de la Baille in Taintignies. Taintignies is a section of Rumes, Hainaut, Belgium.
Declarant : the father : Jean Baptiste ENGLEBERT, bricklayer, 31, born in Guignies (a section of Brunehaut, Hainaut, Belgium). He lives in Taintignies.
The child was born yesterday (hier), that is on January 16th.
Mother : Julie MINET, 22, a day laborer (journalière). She was born and she lives in Taintignies.
Witnesses :
1) Louis DEBAISIEUX, 36, saddler (bourrelier).
2) Jean Baptiste WALECKX, 30, butcher (boucher).
Both inhabitants of Taintignies.
(Original document contains signatures of everybody here)
Source and French to English translation furnished by Jean-Luc Courbonne, 31 January 2015 | ENGLEBERT, Julienne Octavie (I051)
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Born on Monday, 21 December 2015 at 0826 EST, 7 pounds, 8 ounces. 20.5 inches | ROTHERMEL, Evan David (I219)
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Born on Monday, 21 December at 0826 EST, 7 pounds, 8 ounces. 20.5 inches | ROTHERMEL, Evan David (I219)
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Civil War Service: Private, Company D, 79th Pennsylvania Infantry, 1861 -1864
Enlisted in Captain McBride's Company of the 79th PA Volunteer Infantryat Monongahela City, PA on September 7, 1861 for "three years or theduration of the war."
Captain McBride's Company later became Company D, 79th Pennsylvania Infantry.
The regiment was formed in Lancaster County, PA. Company D was the only company in the 79th Pennsylvania Infantry recruited in Washington County,PA. All other companies were originally made up of men from Lancaster County.
The records show George was 20 years old at the time; however, there is some uncertainty as to his exact age since the family Bible recording his birth was destroyed during a flood on the Monongahela River in 1851.
He received a gunshot wound in the neck at the Battle of Chaplin Hills,KY on October 8, 1862. Records show he spent approximately two months in the hospital as a result. The Battle of Chaplin Hills was called the Battle of Perryville by the Confederacy.
His unit (79th PA Infantry) is also listed in the following Civil War Orders of Battle:
- Chickamauga, GA , September 19-20, 1863
- Chattanooga, TN, November 23-25, 1863
- Atlanta Campaign, May 4, 1864 through September 2, 1864.
During March and April of 1864, George was on detached service with the78th Pennsylvania Infantry. There is no record of why George was on detached service. However, during this period, 79th Pennsylvania Infantry personnel who had re-enlisted were on furlough. It is possible that George and others who chose not to re-enlist were put on detached duty because of this.
George was mustered out of the US Army upon expiration of his three-year enlistment in Atlanta, GA on October 3, 1864.
Some of George W. Gibson's records indicate he was a "non-veteran."During the Civil War, soldiers who chose not to re-enlist upon expiration of their original term of service were called "non-veterans."
George W. Gibson received a pension for his Civil War service from around1890 until his death in 1929.
From the 1900 US Census:
Head of Household - George W. Gibson
Age - 58
Occupation - day laborer
Cannot read, cannot write
Owns home with mortgage
Wife - Margaret B. Gibson, Age 50
Daughter Mary L., Age 31, occupation - servant
Son Noah A., Age 25, occupation - teamster
Son Benjamin F., Age 22, occupation - day laborer
Son James G., Age 19, occupation - day laborer
Daughter Candace A., Age 13, in school
Daughter Margaret Mae, Age 10, in school
Son Harry B., Age 8, in school
Also, Son William G. Gibson and his wife Susan are listed immediately after the G.W. Gibson family. It appears they resided in the house next door as his entry notes he owns a home with mortgage. William and Susan were 28 and 25 years old, respectively, married for two years and had no children. William's occupation is listed as a printer.
On the 1880 US Census, George's occupation is listed as "Digging Coal." On his Cvil War pension applications, his occupation is listed as "Laborer."
George W. Gibson was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), a social and service organization composed of Civil War veterans. He was a member of the Starkweather Post No. 60, Monongahela City, Washington County, PA.
| GIBSON, George Washington (I171)
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Darlene Yuss is the adopted daughter of Michael Yuss and Maxine Riley Yuss. | YUSS, Darlene (I476)
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Detailed ancestry of Harvey (and Leon DEVIGNE)
Léon was the son of Henri Devigne, as was Harvey, who was born subsequent to Henri's emigration to the United States. This genealogy contains Harvey's descendants.
Source: Annie DEMORY - http://gw.geneanet.org/anniedemory
French to English translation provided by Jean-Luc Coubronne.
Ancestry of Léon DEVIGNE (and Harvey DEVIGNE)up to the 5th generation.
Léon was the son of Henri Devigne, as was Harvey, who was born subsequent to Henri's emigration to the United States. This genealogy contains Harvey's descendants.
Generation 1
1 Léon DEVIGNE, born 13 January 1891 (Tuesday), Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France. Parents: 2 and 3.
Note :
13 January 1891 :Birth - Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, France
Witness : Jules BAUDOUIN ca 1864
Witness : Henri ALEXANDRE ca 1861
Sources: Archives du Pas-de-Calais en ligne, Liévin [1884-1893], p.1086.
--- :Death
Sources : birth: Archives du Pas-de-Calais en ligne, Liévin [1884-1893], p.1086.
Generation 2
2 Henri DEVIGNE, born 22 April 1867 (Monday), Bully-les-Mines, Pas-de-Calais, France, Deceased 11 March
1940 (Monday), buried, Charleroi, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA. (age at death: 72 years old), Ouvrier
mineur, dirigeant d'une salle de billard.. Parents: 4 and 5.
Note : Matricule n°583 au recrutement de Béthune en 1887. Domicilié | DEVIGNE, Harvey (I048)
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DEVIGNES Jean Baptiste Aimable x LELONG Virginie : marriage certificate (translation).
Bully-les-Mines, July 27th, 1858.
DEVIGNES Jean Baptiste Aimable (but he signs DEVIGNE). Coal miner. Lives in Bully. Born in Paris on October 27th, 1835. Pupil of the "Hospice des Enfants Trouvés de Paris" (enfants trouvés = foundlings).
Unknown (we can only say that he died after 1834).
DEVIGNES Marie Virginie Aimable (no home known since the birth of her son ; nobody knows if she is still living).
LELONG Virginie. Born in Raismes (Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) on February 3rd, 1835. Lives in Bully. Day laborer.
LELONG Jean Baptiste, 59, present. Worker in Marles-les-Mines.
CROMBEZ Marie Anne Joseph. Died in Raismes on July 5th, 1849.
BERNIER Jean Baptiste Joseph, 47, delivery man, lives in Bully, friend.
QUÉVY François, 29, employee at the coal mine, lives in Bully, friend.
QUÉVY Alphonse, 22, coal miner, lives in Bully, friend.
GRONIER Charlitte, 39, day laborer, lives in Bully, Friend.
| Family: Jean Baptiste Aimable DEVIGNE / Virginia LELONG (F091)
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Donino's cause of death was the flu.
His wife, Mary Bege, is listed as a widow in 1920 US Census. | GUIDETTI, Donino (I965)
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Family residence in 1938 was 51 Lovering Avenue, Buffalo, NY. (Buffalo NY City Directory, 1938)
Family residence in 1940 was 77 Minnesota Avenue, Buffalo, NY. (Buffalo NY City Directory, 1941)
Family residence in 1956 was 55 Dellwood Road, Buffalo, NY. (Buffalo NY City Directory, 1956)
| Family: Raymond Arthur PONGO / Loretta Margaret REINHARDT (F143)
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Folklore has it that Emil was disowned by his parents as he left the Catholic Church and became a Lutheran. When his parents died, it is said that a relative made a trip to Buffalo from Germany solely to tell him that he was left out of the will and left nothing. Rumor has it that his family was well to do and possibly was in the shipping business. | REINHARDT, Emil Samuel (I074)
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Frances J. Amicucci
Frances J. "Fran" Amicucci, 70, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 atCarolyn Croxton Slain Hospice Residence. Mrs. Amicucci was born inCharleroi on April 27, 1934, a daughter of the late Harvey and MargaretMoffit Devigne. Fran was the Democratic Jury Commissioner for CumberlandCounty and was a waitress and bartender at Trindle Bowl, the former BandB Crossing and Grandpa's Growler. She is survived by her husband of 46years, Albert P. Amicucci; two sons and daughters, Frank and JohnAmicucci and Deb Stephens, all of Mechanicsburg, and Peggy Stoy ofCarlisle; one brother, Henri Devigne of Charleroi; three sisters,Patricia Anderson of Charleroi; Margaret Reinhardt of Virginia and JanetWestcoat of Coal Center; five grandchildren, Nicole, Anthony, Logan,Keenan and Gemma; and one great-grandson, Chase. Visitation will be heldSunday from 6 to 8 p.m. at MYERS FUNERAL HOME INC., 37 East Main St.,Mechanicsburg (717-766-3421). Funeral services will be held Monday, Nov.22 aat 11 a.m. in the funeral home, followed by burial in Indiantown GapNational Cemetery at 12:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorialcontributions may be made to: Carolyn Croxton Slain Hospice Residence,1701 Linglestown Rd., Harrisburg, Pa. 17110; or Hospice of Central PA, 98South Enola Dr., P.O. Box 266, Enola, Pa. 17025. | DEVIGNE, Frances (I285)
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From Donatella Letizia GASPARINI (donatella62), April 2021
Good Morning Mr Reinhart,I’ll introduce myself, my name is Donatella Gasparini and I wanted to add some news about the family tree of Rosemary Guidetti, your sister in law.
Her grandfather Donnino Guidetti was my great mother’s (Guidetti Giuseppina) brother. Their parents were Guidetti Marcello and Giordani Emilia They moved to US at the end of 19th century, the lived there for some years but then decided to come back to Italy in 1915. Guidetti Donnino decided to stay in US. My grandmother Giuseppina married Gasparini Arnolfo.
In 1921 my father (Gasparini Donnino) was born. For many years we have been in contact with Nora Guidetti, Mrs Rosemary auntie, but since she died we don’t know anybody more.
Thank for your attention and if you have more questions don’t hesitate to contact me. Here is my email donatellagasparini@yahoo.itDonatella Gasparini | GUIDETTI, Donino (I965)
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From the 1920 US Census:
Residence: 802 Second Street, Charleroi, Washington County, PA
Henri Devigne, Head of Household, Age - 53, Place of Birth - France,Occupation - Coal Miner
Julia Devigne, Wife, Age - 50, Place of Birth - France
Harvey Devigne, Son, Age - 12, Place of Birth - Pennsylvania
Evone Devigne, Daughter, Age - 15, Place of Birth - Pennsylvania,Occupation -
From the 1930 US Census:
Residence: 802 Second Street, Charleroi, Washington County, PA
Henri Devigne, Head of HouseHold, Age - 62, Age at Marriage - 22,Occupation - Proprietor, Pool Room
Julia Devigne, Wife, Age - 60, Age at Marriage - 20
Harvey Devigne, Son, Age - 21, Occupation- Manager, Pool Room
Evone Devigne. Daughter, Age 25, Occupation - Laborer, Glass Mill
Charles J. Gerard, Head of Household, Age - 46, Age at Marriage - 21,Place of Birth - Pennsylvania, Occupation - Laborer, Steel Mill
Virginia A. Gerard, Wife, Age - 32, Age at Marriage - 18, Place of Birth- France
Virginia Gerard, Daughter, Age - 12, Place of Birth - Pennsylvania
Jesse Gerard, Son, Age - 3, Place of Birth - Pennsylvania | DEVIGNE, Henri (I050)
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From the Daily Evening Reporter, Washington, Washington, Pennsylvania, United States 21 Feb 1877:
Noah Behanna, who was convicted in our court several years since of the murder of a man in Limetown and sentenced to a term in the Penitentiary, has just been pardoned by Gov. Hartranft. | BEHANNA, Noah (I918)
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US Census records are ambiguous regarding Emil S. Reinhardt's birthplace. The 1920 Census shows his birthplace as Hess; the 1880 Census shows his birthplace as Bavaria; while all others simply state Germany as his birthplace. His US Army enlistment papers show his birthplace as Baden, Germany.
Immigration Record:
Name: Emil Reinhardt
Arrival Date: 7/7/1862
Gender: Male
Place of Origin: Kahla
Ship: Copernicus
Ship Type: Bark
Port of Arrival: Baltimore
Port of Departure: Bremen
National Archives' Series Number: 13
Microfilm Number: M255
List Number: 27
The following information is from the 1930 US Census:
Emil emigrated to the US in 1862, Minnie in 1852
Emil is listed as a veteran; he was a veteran of the Indian Wars on the western frontier.
Marriage; At the time of their marriage, Emil was 24 and Minnie was 22
Residence: 51 Lovering Avenue in Buffalo, NY, owned, value $11,500, has radio.
Family Members:
Head of Household, Emil S, Age 82, not employed
Wife, Minnie, Age 79, not employed
Daughter Mary- Age 53, mot employed
Son Henry - Age 37, clerk, railroad office
Daughter Loretta - Age 32, secretary, law office
The following information is from the 1920 US Census:
Residence: 30 Sherman Street, Buffalo, NY, Rented
Family Members:
Head of Household, Emil S - Age 71, date entered US 1862, naturalized citizen, not employed
Wife, Minnie - Age 69, not employed
Daughter Mary, Age 40, not employed
Son Henry, Age 26, tailor in tailor shop
Daughter Loretta, Age 23, clerk, box office
Son-in-law, John Weitze, Age 27, machinist, machine shop
Daughter Gertrude Reinhardt Weitze, Age 28, no employed
The following information is from the 1910 US Census:
In the 1910 US Census, the Emil Reinhardt family lived at 30 Sherman Street in Buffalo, NY. Emil Reinhardt's occupation is listed as a Coremaker in a Foundry, Two of his sons (Frederick and Louis) resided at home in 1910 and both have their occupation listed as Moulders in a Foundry. Frederick's age is listed as 36 on the 1910 US Census and his birthplace is listed as New York. From this information, It's probably safe to assume that the family was living in Buffalo, NY when Frederick was born around 1874.
The following information is from the 1900 US Census:
Residence - 30 Sherman Street, Buffalo, NY
Family Members:
Head of Household Emil S. - Age 52, Iron Moulder, Naturalized US Citizen
Wife, Minnie Age 50, None
Son Frederick - Age 26, Iron Moulder
Son Emil J. - Age 24, Carpenter
Daughter Mary - Age 23, Servant
Son George - Age 21, Iron Moulder
Son Joseph - Age 19, Iron Moulder
Son Michael - Age 17, Salesman
Son Louis - Age 15, None
Daughter Minnie - Age 13, Servant
Daughter Barbara - Age 11, in school
Daughter Gertrude - Age 8, in school
Son Henry - Age 6, in school
Daughter Loretta - Age 3
The following information is from the 1890 Buffalo, New York Directory:
Name: Emil Reinhardt
Location 1: 176 Terrace (assume this is workplace address)
Location 2: 30 Sherman (assume this is home address since it is the same as that listed in 1910 US Census)
Occupation: moulder
Year: 1890
City: Buffalo
State: NY
The following information is from the 1880 US Census:
The census lists Emanuel (Emil) and Wilhelmina (Minnie) Reinhardt and family residing at 319 Spring Street, Buffalo, NY. It is believed that this is Emil and Minnie Reinhardt as Emil's occupation is listed as a Moulder and the ages and names of their children (Frederick, Emanuel[Emil], Mary and George) match those recorded in the 1910 and 1930 US Census records. The 1880 US Census lists Emil's birthplace as Bavaria and Minnie's birthplace as Wurttemburg. | REINHARDT, Emil Samuel (I074)
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Harry worked for a number of years at the Monessen Foundry and Machine Company as a moulder. His father Joseph also worked there in the same capacity. His brother-in-law, Raymond Gadd worked there too. The Monessen Foundry and Machine Company was founded 1898 and sold to Rockwell International in 1945. The foundry was closed and its operations moved elsewhere in the early 1950's. Harry then worked for Pittsbugh Steel, first as a railroad brakeman on their Monessen, PA mill railroad, and later in the Pittsburgh Steel Rolling Mill in Allenport, PA.During his tme at the Monessen Foundry, Harry served for a time as the local union president, as did his father Joseph before him. The union meetngs were conducted at the Monessen Hungarian Club. | REINHARDT, Harry Bruce Sr (I065)
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He left his heart in Belle Vernon
Robert "Bob" Cain has been around the world and back many times, but his heart will always remain in Belle Vernon.
Cain, 59, a 1970 graduate of Belle Vernon Area High School, is a decorated, two-time veteran, husband, writer, artist and musician whose passion has always been helping others.
A longtime resident of Tampa, Fla., Cain is the son of the late Joan and Ralph Cain. He has "great" memories of growing up on May Street, off of Fayette Avenue, with his twin brother, Ralph, sister Cathy and younger brother Lionel.
"I call those days the hillside of my youth," Cain said. "Growing up there was the most perfect environment for a kid. Every day we'd grab our bats and balls and chalk for the road and have the time of our lives."
He even penned a novel about his old stomping grounds, called "The Market Street Chronicle," a fictional account of horrors going on in an apartment building.
Cain calls his twin, Ralph, his "best friend and hero." His brother graduated from BVA in 1971, as he had to stay behind a year after getting hit by a car in a near-fatal accident in lower Speers when they were in first grade. "I can still remember that day. I had to go in and tell my mom," Cain said.
His brother recovered and is now pastor at the Glenmore United Methodist Church near Philadelphia. His sister lives in Tarpon Springs, Fla., and Lionel lives in Fayette City.
"We picked apples from the orchards and watched when the cows would wander into our yards," he said of his childhood.
Cain credits his paternal grandmother, the late Ella Cain, with teaching him how to play piano, cook and write.
He said his grandmother, who lived on Main Street in Belle Vernon, was a close friend of the late Isabelle Hurley, a longtime writer at The Valley Independent.
"My grandmother was a town historian and Isabelle would often call her for information," he said.
Thanks to "wonderful" teachers such as Marilyn Mori, who taught him typing in high school, and his third-grade teacher Helen Lang, Cain was selected after high school to join FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's staff at his offices in Washington, D.C.
"I was gifted in the business program, which helped me tremendously," he said. At the FBI, he first worked filing documents, then moved up to handling classified information.
He spent nine months working at the FBI offices when he was offered a job with Dun and Bradstreet Inc., in Georgetown. The company handled credit ratings for multi-million dollar businesses.
"I was just 19 and working at this amazing place," he said.
Like many other young men, Cain was drafted in 1972 to serve in the Vietnam War. He and his twin brother, who was also drafted, decided to join the U.S. Navy. He attended boot camp in Orlando, Fla., and made the rank of a yeoman, known as the oldest rating in the navy. Yeomen perform secretarial and clerical work. He went on to earn the rank of E-4 and served on the Chief of Naval Information staff at Great Lakes, Ill. He was also stationed on the USS America out of Norfolk, Va.
In between assignments, he also worked on special projects in Washington, D.C. "My team of 14, who were under me, converted all of the navy paper records to microfiche. It was an incredible job for which I was second runner up for navy Sailor of the Year in Washington," he said.
Cain says one of his most important jobs during the Vietnam War was greeting prisoners of war when they returned to U.S. soil.
"I'd follow them to the hospital, listen to their stories and call the local newspapers to get them recognition," Cain said. All these years later, Cain still gets emotional talking about the time he spent with the Vietnam veterans.
His work didn't go unrecognized, as former President Richard M. Nixon sent him a letter of recognition for his service.
After the war, his military career took him on a whirlwind tour around the world. He met Pope Paul VI in Rome, spent time in Rio de Janeiro, and traveled extensively throughout Europe.
He decided to leave the navy in 1978, went home and enrolled in college. He attended California University of Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1982, studying both English and computer management.
While at Cal U, he played music with famous poet Allen Ginsberg and helped revamp the veterans office while a work study student under Arthur Bakewell.
Cain was close to graduating in 1982, with 90 credits, when he learned he was in danger of losing his rank as an E-5 petty officer.
"It was very important to me to keep my rank, so I re-enlisted," he said.
His first assignment was at the Naval Base in San Diego, Calif., which handles fleets all over the Pacific Ocean.
During his time with the navy, he traveled to 90 countries and went to Hawaii 14 times.
In 1986, he was offered an assignment with Operation Deep Freeze with the National Science Foundation. He was stationed in New Zealand. Operation Deep Freeze was code name for a series of missions to Antarctica. While in New Zealand, he worked with "top notch officers." He traveled through Antarctica and Australia and studied Haley's Comet at 36,000-feet.
"To get to do that was a great honor," he said.
In 1988, he was sent to Tampa to serve at U.S. Central Command under Gen. Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf. Known as "Stormin' Norman," the retired general was commander of the Coalition Forces in the Gulf War in 1991. Cain worked at the Joint Logistics Operations Center at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. He was also second runner-up for Tampa Bay sailor of the year.
He was awarded the Joint Meritorious Service Medal from Schwarzkopf and was a recipient of the Kuwaiti Freedom Medal.
It was at the MacDill Air Force Base where he met his future wife, Martha S. Kurtz, a McKeesport native. When they met, she was with the U.S. Army, working as a graphic combat illustrator. She was stationed with the Special Forces at Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Cain proudly notes his wife completed boot camp with a broken arm. She also received the Kuwait Freedom Medal.
His wife is the daughter of the late Robert and Ethel D. Rogers Kurtz. Her father was a longtime executive at The Daily News in McKeesport.
Six months after they began dating, they were shopping when he noticed they were each stocking their carts with the same items. With a rainbow in the background, he proposed.
Cain says their wedding day was also celebrated under a rainbow. After his assignment in Tampa ended, he spent time in Newport, R.I., and on the USS Deyo in Charleston, S.C.
It was when his wife's mother became ill Cain and his wife decided they needed to leave the military to take care of her full-time. They received honorable discharges from the military in 1992. Cain had 17 years of service; his wife 18 years.
Cain re-entered the corporate world, working at various companies over the years.
He returned to Dun and Bradstreet and worked in the Tampa office as an assistant reporter; an administrative secretary with the office of the Attorney General, Tampa Civil Litigation, and as a universal representative with the Home Shopping Network.
He is currently working as an account relationship manager at a nationally-known bank in Tampa. Cain says he is proud to help people avoid losing their homes due to foreclosure.
When he looks back at all of his accomplishments, Cain credits his roots in Belle Vernon.
"I owe everything to Belle Vernon and my school," he said.
Cain says when he isn't working, he loves writing poems and music. He has 109 compositions registered at the Library of Congress. He has won awards for his watercolor paintings and is known in the area for his calligraphy skills.
He and his wife live with their five Corgi dogs and two cats.
Cain says he is hoping to move back to his hometown to complete his autobiography, fittingly called, "The Hillside of My Youth."
"I want to watch the sky for rainbows and I want to remember the smell of the old blast furnaces and coal furnaces."
| CAIN, Robert Raymond (I160)
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Henri Devigne Ancestry Details
Source: Annie DEMORY - http://gw.geneanet.org/anniedemory
French to English translation provided by Jean-Luc Coubronne.
Generation 2
2 Henri DEVIGNE, born 22 April 1867 (Monday), Bully-les-Mines, Pas-de-Calais, France, Deceased 11 March
1940 (Monday), buried, Charleroi, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA. (age at death: 72 years old), Ouvrier
mineur, dirigeant d'une salle de billard.. Parents: 4 and 5.
Note : Matricule n°583 au recrutement de Béthune en 1887. Domicilié | DEVIGNE, Henri (I050)
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In 1910 US Census, John T, Beed is listed as the step-son of Thomas Chattaway. | JOHN T, Beed (I947)
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Jean Baptiste ENGLEBERT x Julie MINET (marriage certificate)
Online in Archives de Belgique numérisées, Registres de l'État Civil, Province du Hainaut/Tournai, Taintignies, Actes, [1861-1882], p.393.
On April, 6th, 1869 in Taintignies.
Bridegroom : ENGLEBERT Jean Baptiste, bricklayer, born on January 22nd, 1838 in Guignies. Lives in Guignies.
Father : ENGLEBERT Henri Joseph, born c. 1811, bricklayer. Lives in Guignies.
Mother : LOCUFIER Sidonie, born c. 1816, homemaker. Lives in Guignies.
Bride : MINET Julie, born on January 29th, 1848, day laborer, born in Taintignies. Lives in Taintignies.
Father : MINET Jean Baptiste, born c.1801, bricklayer. Lives in Taintignies.
Mother : DUTRIEUX Joachime, born c.1800, day laborer. Lives in Taintignies.
Witnesses :
1) PROCUREUR Ferdinand, born c.1829, tailor. Lives in Guignies.
2) DUTRIEUX Jules, born c.1846, farmer, first cousin of the bride. Lives in Taintignies.
3) ROSEAU Michel Joseph, born c.1833, rural policeman, friend. Lives in Taintignies.
4) MORLIGHEM Casimir, born c.1823, plasterer of ceilings, friend. Lives in Taintignies.
Marriage contact on April 5th, 1869 in the presence of Maître BREBART, notary in Taintignies.
Sources annd French to English translation provided by Jean-Luc Coubronne.
| Family: Jean Baptiste ENGLEBERT / Julie MINCH (F097)
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Joan's nickname was "Jo Ann". | REINHARDT, Joan (I093)
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John's birth surname was Metzler. He was later adopted by Luke and Margaret Moffit. | MOFFIT, John (I372)
31 |
Last Will and Testament of Nicholas Crites can be viewed at:
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-28770-28880-89?cc=1999196&wc=9PMX-FM9:268493301,282472701 | CRITES, Nicholas (I933)
32 |
Military Service:
Emil enlisted in the US Army in Philadelphia, PA on 23 August 1867. He was discharged at Fort Sedgwick, Colorado Territory upon expiration of his term of service on 23 August 1870. From 23 August 1867 until 8 July 1869, he was assigned to Company A of the 27th US Infantry. He was transferred to Company B, 9th US Infantry on 8 July 1869 and served in this unit until his discharge.
From copy of US Army Register of Enlistments, dated August 1867
Last Name - Reinhardt
First Name - Emil
Date of Enlistment - 23-Aug-1867
Place of Enlistment - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Birth Place - Baden, Germany
Age -21
Occupation - Laborer
Eyes - Blue
Hair - Brown
Complexion - Fair
Height - 5 feet 5 inches
Regiment/Company -27th Infantry/A, 9th Infantry/B
Date of Discharge - 23-Aug-1870 upon expiration of term of service
Place of Discharge -Fort Sedgwick, Colorado Territory
Note - Age is recorded as 21 on enlistment records, but other known sources show Emil S. Reinhardt was born on 7-Mar-1848 | REINHARDT, Emil Samuel (I074)
33 |
Nicholas Crites is listed on the Pennsylvania, U.S. Direct Tax Lists, 1798 as owning 106 acres of land in Greene, Washington and Allegheny counties valued at $742.00. | CRITES, Nicholas (I933)
34 |
Obituary - John Joseph Yuss Jr., of Hampton Township, Pittsburgh, passed into the hands of our Lord Jesus on June 15, 2011. He was the son of the late Margaret Reinhardt Yuss and John Joseph Yuss Sr., of Charleroi. John was the much loved husbanband of Judy Reed Yuss; and the beloved father of Jonalyn Yuss Artzberger and Jill Yuss and her husband, Mark Molnar. His dearly loved grandchildren are Roberta Leah Conway, Nora Lynn Artzberger and Mary Elizabeth Artzberger Ruffing (Zack); along w with dear little Troy William Ruffing, his great-grandson. He was the devoted brother of Fred Yuss (Darla) and Ronald Yuss (Barbara). He is also survived by many cousins, nieces, nephews, and a grandnephew, all of whom he had great affection. He will be greatly missed by all.
John graduated from Charleroi High School in 1954 and attended the University of Nebraska, having earned a full football scholarship. John began his career as an agent in the insurance industry with
the Prudential Insurance Company in 1962. Because of his success, he received the President's Citation
Award for many consecutive years. In 1967, he was promoted to the position of staff manager and moved to the North Hills of Pittsburgh. As he continued his successful career with Prudential Insurance, he received numerous awards leading to his ppromotion of brokerage manager. In 1982, he opened the John Yuss Insurance Agency with the help of his daughter, Jill. They have enjoyed a successful business career for the past 29 years. He never thought about retirement since the relationships that he has enjoyed with his clients have meant the world to him. He was truly a "people person" and was loved by all. The John Yuss Insurance Agency will remain in operation with Jill assuming his position. To all of his clients, thank you for your business over the years. Visitation will be held Monday, June 20, from 1 to 4 and 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the NEELY FUNERAL HOME, 2208 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw. Services and interment will be held privately.
Read more: Valley Independent - Obituaries - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/valleyindependent/obituaries/#ixzz1PRtWOVay | YUSS, John J. Jr. (I121)
35 |
Obituary for Dorothy Elaine Gadd
Dorothy Kinnaird Gadd, 86, originally from Charleroi, PA passed away Monday, April 23, 2018 in Gastonia, NC. Dotty, as she preferred to be called, was born June 2, 1931 in Monesson, PA and was the youngest daughter of the late Edward “Bert” and Evelyn Kinnaird. She was preceded in death by her husband Donald E Gadd and son, David Scott Gadd. She is survived by her son, Douglas A. and her daughter-in-law, Nancy B. Gadd of Belmont, NC, as well as three grandchildren, Terrance Scott Gadd and his wife, Ashleigh, of Charlotte, NC, Amanda Gadd of Belmont, NC, and George Noah Gadd of Belmont, NC. She is also survived by her loving sister, Betty Gonos, of North Huntingdon, PA with whom she spoke with once or twice daily. Dotty is also survived by five nieces and three nephews.
While living in Charleroi, Dotty volunteered many hours at the Food Pantry and was an active participant in the Silver Sneakers program at the YMCA for many years. Primarily a homemaker, Dotty was actively involved with the activities of her two sons and maintained an expansive scrap book for each throughout their scholastic careers. After Dotty’s husband Don retired, together they created crafts and traveled across the Pittsburgh region to participate in weekend shows.
Dotty relocated to North Carolina four years ago to be close to family and enjoyed many holiday dinners and special events. She also came make new friends who were a great support to her through her transition and illness. Throughout her life Dotty was a prolific reader and enjoyed playing cards and board games, most recently with her friends at Carillon Assisted Living in Cramerton, NC. She had a quick wit and was always ready to laugh and share a smile. These qualities live on through her son and grandchildren. Dotty was a friend of technology staying in contact with many friends (new and old) and her Charleroi and Mon Valley community using email and the internet.
Dotty, was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother and friend ~ she will be missed dearly.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Charleroi Food Pantry located at 812 Meadow Avenue, Charleroi, PA 15022.
Condolence messages may be sent online at www.mcleanfuneral.com. McLean Funeral Directors of Belmont is serving the Gadd family
| KINNAIRD, Dorothy Elaine (I237)
36 |
Obituary Guest Book Entries, John Yuss - 16 Jun 2011 through 19 June 2011
Ron and Barb, sincere sympathy on your loss. Janet Devigne Westcoat
June 19, 2011
Steve Lomago. My sincere condolances. I am saddened by your loss. A friend, lost.
June 19, 2011
To the Yuss family sorry for your loss. Ken and Kay Betler, Taylorville Il
June 18, 2011
Judy, Our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Good memories of John. Bob & Donna Hahne
June 18, 2011
Judy, Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Bob & Donna Hahne
June 18, 2011
Condolences to Judy & Family. Vince Mikan-Woodland Hills, California
June 18, 2011
Ron, Fred and family, you have my sympathy, Jim Currie
June 18, 2011
To Fred & Ron & families: We send our deepest sympathies. Jim & Deb Caldwell, Charleroi
June 17, 2011
Judy, our deepest sympathy, Bev and Jack DeHainaut
June 17, 2011
Will miss our reflections of CHS at the reunions. Bernie
June 17, 2011
My deepest sympathy - John was my first agent, and I worked with Margaret at the YMCA - T. Paluso
June 17, 2011
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Yuss family at this time. Janis ( Komar) and Nick Galbraith
June 17, 2011
My deepest sympathy, Don Houston
June 17, 2011
Judy and family, Saddened to read of John's death. Dianne (Glasgow) & Paul Tobacco
June 16, 2011
Judy, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Marlene & Fran Tokar
June 16, 2011
Ron, Barb and family, my deepest sympathy on the passing of your brother. Butch Rossi
June 16, 2011
My deepest sympathy to the family. Jim Lenhart
June 16, 2011
Barb & Ron, Sorry about the passing of your brother. My prayers are with you. Ginnie & Bill Kane
June 16, 2011
Judy & family, we share in your sorrow and celebrate John's life. Tom & Yvonne Parks
June 16, 2011
Ron&Barbra, I am truly sorry for the loss of your brother. Ray Newstrom
June 16, 2011
June 16, 2011
Ron, Barb and family, I'm sorry to hear of your brother's passing. Rowena
June 16, 2011
Wishing you & your family strength & peace at this time of sadness. Darla"Bagay" Soltis, Class of 64
June 16, 2011
Dear Judy, I was very saddened to hear of John's deth. The class will miss him. Ruth Karlowsky
June 16, 2011
Ron - Thinking of you. Hang in there. Paul Valovich
June 16, 2011
Sending our love up to John; thoughts & prayers to Judy & family. Gina & Chris (Reinhardt) Sylvester
June 16, 2011
Bruce & Peggy Reinhardt, We share in your sadness at John's passing. Our hearts are with you.
June 16, 2011 | YUSS, John J. Jr. (I121)
37 |
Obituary published in Tribune Chronicle newspaper, 240 Franklin Street SE, Warren, OH 44482 on 4 December 2007.
HOWLAND - Catherine L. Berarducci, 81, died at 12:26 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007, at Forum Health Trumbull Memorial Hospital of a pulmonary embolism.
She was born Oct. 6, 1926, in Youngstown, the daughter of Louis Vacca Sr. and Mary Bonamacc Vacca.
Mrs. Berarducci was a graduate of Youngstown East High School and came to Warren in 1954 from Campbell. She was a member of Blessed Sacrament Church and enjoyed spending time with her family and cooking.
She was a homemaker.
Survivors include three daughters, Lucy (Barry) Reinhardt and Cathy (Terry) Naples, both of Howland and Joyce (Jay) Austin of Strongsville; a brother, Louis (Carolyn) Vacca of Heath; and six grandchildren, Ryan and BethanyReinhardt, Scott Naples, and James, Jason and Jacob Austin.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Anthony Berarducci, whom she married Sept. 4, 1948, and who died June 22, 1993; and a sister, Ann May.
There will be a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Thursday at Blessed Sacrament Church with celebrant the Rev. Donald E. King, preceded by a 9:30 a.m. service at the Peter Rossi and Son Memorial Chapel. Calling hours willbe from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the memorial chapel. Burial will be in All Souls Cemetery.
The family requests that memorial contributions be made to Blessed Sacrament Church, 3020 Reeves Road N.E., Warren, OH 44483. | VACCA, Catherine (I393)
38 |
Olaf H. Fagerli, Sr.
September 11th, 1926 - September 29th, 2011
Olaf Harry Fagerli, Sr., age 85 of Leesburg, VA passed away on Thursday, September 29, 2011, at INOVA Loudoun Hospital Center in Lansdowne, Virginia.
Olaf was born on Saturday, September 11, 1926 in Niobrara, Nebraska. He was a son of the late Ole Fagerli and the late Solveig Riisnes Fagerli. Olaf relocated to Northern Virginia in 1940 and graduated from Washington & Lee High School in 1944. He served his country in the United States Navy from 1944 until 1946 and was a Veteran of World War II.
Olaf had a long rewarding career as a CPA with the federal government until retiring in 1992.
He was predeceased by his beloved wife of 51 years, Rose Marie Fagerli, and his sister Judith Marhula.
He leaves to cherish his memory his three sons, Olaf H. Fagerli, Jr. & his wife Dianne of Boca Raton, FL, Daniel S. Fagerli & his wife Amy of Leesburg, VA and Julian C. Fagerli & his wife Nicole of Charlottesville, VA.
He was a proud grandfather, of Kirsten Paige, Ross Daniel, Eric Andrew, Anna Elizabeth, Owen Bruce, and Caroline Grace.
The family will receive guests on Sunday, October 2, 2011 from 4 to 6 pm at the Loudoun Funeral Chapel 158 Catoctin Circle, SE, Leesburg, VA 20175.
Funeral services will be held at 11:00 AM on Monday at the funeral home, with the Pastor Thomas A. Prinz officiating. Interment will follow in St. John's Catholic Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society 124 Park Street, SE Vienna, VA 22180.
St. John the Apostle Catholic Cemetery
101 Oak Crest Manor Drive
Leesburg, VA 20175 (map/driving directions)
4:00PM to 6:00PM on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 at Loudoun Funeral Chapels (map/driving directions)
11:00AM at Loudoun Funeral Chapel on Monday, October 3rd, 2011 (map/driving directions) | FAGERLI, Olaf Harry Sr (I052)
39 |
Patricia E. Anderson
Patricia E. Anderson, 74, of Charleroi, died Tuesday, June 5, 2007, inMon Valley Care Center. She was born June 26, 1932, in Dunlevy, thedaughter of the late Harvey Devigne and Margaret Moffit Devigne Farkos.She was a member of the First Uniteeeed Methodist Church of Charleroi.Surviving are her children, Patti Jo Magera and husband Ed, of CoalCenter, Robert Anderson, of Charleroi, Janet Zipfel and husband Jim, ofCarlisle, Barry Anderson and wife Mary, of McDonald, and Steven Andersonand wife Jennifer, of Charleroi; one brother, Henri Devigne, ofCharleroi; two sisters, Margaret Reinhardt, of Vienna, Va., and JanetWestcoat, of Long Branch; eight grandchildren, Craig Giannini, MichelleFerenz, Leah Wilson, Julienne Negley, Max Zipfel, Jessica Anderson,Stephanie Anderson, and Kylie Anderson; and three great-grandchildren,Landon Nealy, and Madison and Rebeckah Negley. In addition to herparents, she was preceded in death by one sister, Frances Amicucci.Friends will be received in the CARL J. SPALLINO FUNERAL HOME, 819Fallowfield Ave., Charleroi on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.Services will be held in the funeral home on Friday, June 8, at 10:30a.m. with the Rev. Bruce Northey officiating. Interment will follow inCharleroi Cemetery. | DEVIGNE, Patricia (I286)
40 |
Phylis is the daughter of Maxine R. Riley from a previous marriage. | YUSS, Phyllis (I475)
41 |
Robert Raymond Cain, 65, Tampa, FL, formerly of Belle Vernon passed away on February 8, 2018 after a prolonged illness. Bob was born on June 27, 1952, son of Ralph N. Cain, Sr. and Joan Reinhardt Cain. He was a 1970 graduate of Belle Vernon Area High School. Bob served seventeen years in the United States Navy where he literally toured the world. Most notable was his work with returning Vietnam POWs and Operation Deep Freeze in the Antarctic. He was an accomplished artist, musician and writer whose works will be cherished and remembered. Bob is survived by his loving wife, Martha Kurtz Cain. He is also survived by a sister, Cathy Jupin and husband George of Hudson, FL, twin brother, Ralph N. Cain, Jr. and his wife Candice, o of Coatesville, PA and brother, Lionel R. Cain and his wife Wendy of Fayette City, PA, along with several nieces and nephews, great nieces and great nephews. Bob is preceded in death by his parents. A private memorial service will be held at Bob and Martha’s home in Tampa, Fl. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be sent to the Bob Cain Memorial Fund at 6012 S. Switzer Ave., Tampa, FL, 33611.
| CAIN, Robert Raymond (I160)
42 |
Section D, Lot 142, Grave 1 | GIBSON, George Washington (I171)
43 |
Section D, Lot 142, Grave 2 | BEHANNA, Margaret M. (I172)
44 |
Served 10 years in USMC Almost 2 years in Vietnam. Numerous other duty stations such as Gitmo Bay Cuba, USS BLUE RIDGE, National Security Agency Ft. Meade Md. | GIANNINI, Rockne (I340)
45 |
Services held at Rhome Funeral Home, Monessen, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, 5 October 1069. Officiating clergyman was Reverend Wayne M. Olson. | REINHARDT, Harry Bruce Sr (I065)
46 |
The 1930 US Census shows the Joseph Reinhardt Family living at 41 Main Street, New Eagle, Washington County, PA.
The 1920 US Census show shows that Margaret Reinhardt's father, Geroge W. Gibson, was living with the family, as was her brother Noah.
Joseph Reinhardt was the Burgess of New Eage, PA from 1922 to 1926. A burgess was basically the equivalent of a mayor. | REINHARDT, Joseph Henry Sr (I070)
47 |
In the 1930 United States Census, John Yuss is recorded as born inCzechoslovakia in 1910 and emigrated to the United States in 1914. HisMother and Father listed their years of emigration to the United Statesas 1913 and 1908, respectively, The 1930 US Census entries may be inerror or there may be some other explanation for the inconsistency in theemigration dates for John and his Mother. John Yuss's Mother and Fatherare listed as being born in Czechoslovakia and their native language islisted as Slovak. | YUSS, John J. Sr (I120)
48 |
Mildred G. Reinhardt
Mildred G. Reinhardt, 86, one of the first tenants of Char House,Charleroi, died Thursday, April 29, 2004, in Mon Valley Hospital. She wasborn Aug. 25, 1917, in Masontown, a daughter of the late Harry C. andStella Wakefield Gadd. Mrs. Reinhardt was a member of the First ChristianChurch of Charleroi for 45 years, an active member of the ChristianWomen's Fellowship, a member of the Amicus Class and co-chair of theprayer chain for many years. She is survived by three sons, Harry B.Reinhhardt and wife Peggy of Vienna, Va., Barry L. Reinhardt and wife Lucyof Warren, Ohio, and Brian J. Reinhardt and wife Rosemary of CarrollTownship; one brother, Donald E. Gadd and wife Dorothy of Charleroi; sixgrandchildren, Amy Fagerli and Bruce, Ryan, Bethany, Brian and GinaReinhardt; two great-grandchildren, Ross and Owen Fagerli; and numerousnieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in deathby her husband, Harry B. Reinhardt; four brothers, twins Harry and HolmesGadd, and Russell and Raymond Gadd; and one sister, Violet Danielson.Friends will be received Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in theSCHROCK-HOGAN FUNERAL HOME INC., 226 Fallowfield Ave., Charleroi. Funeralservices will be held Saturday, with the time to be announced inSaturday's edition. Interment will be in Monongahela Cemetery. | GADD, Mildred Elizabeth (I066)
| |